welcome to the archives!
live full archives of all previous versions of my main website, listed in reverse-chronological order. hand-coded by yours truly now and forever!
click on the cover images to explore my previous sites. some sites have links that lead nowhere (bc i never made those pages) so if the page reloads when you click a link don't stress. let me know if anything is broken!
current version: ANGEL'S LANDING v2
contact: angelnetcast at protonmail dot com,
site profile

angel's landing v1.5
about this version:
- live: august 12th 2024
- retired: november 16th 2024
a very bare bones version of v1. everything is rewritten from the ground up. i tried to focus on html rules while rewriting, and i think i did a good job! this version has next to no css because i wanted to focus on the content and filetree rather than looks. (although the minimalistic appearance is still pretty slick...)

angel's landing v1
about this version:
- live: july 11th 2023
- retired: august 12th 2024
the first full demonstration of my newfoud code knowledge in an actually digestible way. also marks the the retirement of the old vroid model and the first version of cake! there's a lot i love about this design, but it is time to phase it out because i want to make a new layout and the code here is very messy. imrpoving upon these issues in v1.5

cape's cove v2
about this version:
- live: november 4th 2022
- retired: july 11th 2023
the second version of my website! i had just learned how divs worked and was excited to put my new knowledge to work! there's not much cohesion in this design, and i also used a sadgrl tutorial to code the base layout. it has its shortcomings, but it is a solid jump in skill.

cape's cove v1
about this version:
- live: may 16th 2022
- retired: november 4th 2022
version one of my website! incredibly bare bones, since i didn't really understand divs at the time and just wanted to make something. there's not much content here either. the few things i changed were little details i remembered from class without any further research